iGround offers training classes for every level of industry experience. We provide individual and customized training for groups with qualified instructors who are experienced in the latest tools and techniques of the trade.
Ever-increasing demands to promote the effective operation of electronic equipment while balancing the requirement of personnel safety can be a challenge. Regardless of your industry or level of expertise, our power quality training provides the proper blend of basic, intermediate, and detailed information. This training benefits all personnel who design, install, or maintain electrical and electronic systems, including voice and data systems.
In these economic times, more and more companies and industries are relying on customized in-house suitcase courses designed to bring the knowledge to them! All of iGround’s courses maximize the benefit of personalized training while keeping costs down. The material for all of iGround’s courses can be customized to incorporate your materials with the course material.
Contact us today in Roanoke, Virginia, to learn more about our introductory training classes.